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Power BI Desktop is not coming to Mac 😉 but is definitely coming to Mac developers 💪🥳

Along the many huge announcements from last week at the annual Microsoft Build was one that is truly revolutionary in the way you can create a full end to end flow from data sources to report with just few clicks and all is done over the web. Most of the building blocks of that flow were already available for some time on the web except one crucial block - the creation and configuration of the semantic model. Well, not anymore! You can now do that in the GUI of the Power BI service - and as stated in the announcement, it will eventually be on full par with the Power BI desktop capabilities. Not to be confused by the title of this post, the main features of Datamarts are that you now have a one stop shop GUI for:

1. Creating your own SQL database that can be queried using T- SQL from any tool that can connect to SQL Server (Excel, SSMS, Azure Data Studio etc).

2. Creating measures and relationships in the dataset that is connected in direct query mode to the database you created.

But...that also means that the creation and configuration of the semantic model is now - for the first time - accessible through the web. This is definitely a big bonus for all the Mac developers 🙂.

Source: Sparta BI


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